In the context of mining or tunneling, " Drill Jumbo" and "bolter" refer to two different types of equipment used for specific tasks. They are designed for different purposes and applications.
Drill Jumbo
- Function: Drill jumbos are typically used for drilling large-diameter holes in rock or other hard materials. They are often used in mining and tunneling operations to create blast holes or for other excavation purposes.
- Purpose: A jumbo is primarily used for drilling holes in rock, typically in preparation for blasting.
- Features: Usually consists of one or more drill arms (called booms) mounted on a movable platform or vehicle. Modern jumbos are highly automated and can be used in large tunnels or underground mining operations.
- Drilling Method: Drill jumbos use a variety of drilling methods, including rotary drilling, percussion drilling, or a combination of both, depending on the specific application.
- Function: Bolters are used for installing bolts in drilled holes. They are often used in construction and mining to secure rock formations or to provide support for structures.
- Purpose: A bolter is used to stabilize and secure the roof or walls of a tunnel or mine.
- Features: Equipped with a mechanism to drill holes for the bolts and install them securely. Often used with mesh or plates to distribute pressure.
- Drilling Method: While bolters can be used for drilling holes, their primary function is to install bolts. They may use a rotary or percussive drilling action to create the necessary holes for bolt installation.
Key Differences
- Function: The main difference between a drill jumbo and a bolter is their primary function. A drill jumbo is designed for drilling large holes, while a bolter is designed for installing bolts.
- Design: Drill jumbos are larger and more heavy-duty, while bolters are smaller and more mobile.
- Drilling Method: Drill jumbos are typically used for drilling holes, while bolters are used for installing bolts, although they can also be used for drilling in some applications.
In summary, a " Drill Jumbo" is for drilling and blasting, while a "bolter" is for installing support and ensuring safety. Both are crucial for different stages of mining or tunneling projects.